

Kutlay, Evren. Osmanlı’nın Avrupalı Müzisyenleri. (European Musicians of Ottomans). Kapı Publishing. April 2010. Istanbul. (The book is in Turkish but sold internationally)

Solo CD Recording

“Doğunun Başkentinden Batılı Sesler: Dersaadet’te Avrupa Müziği”. (Western Sounds from the Capital of East: European Music in Ottoman Istanbul) A selection of solo piano archival works in European style that were composed during Ottoman Era, January 2011.

Joint CD Recording

Performance in University of West Georgia Music Department Undergraduate and Graduate Programs Presentation CD, 2007, US.

Book Chapters

  1. Kutlay, Evren. “Johann Sebastian Bach’ın Kahve Kantatında Osmanlı İzleri”. (Ottoman Hints in J.S. Bach’s Coffee Cantate). Kültürümüzde Kahve. Kitabevi Publishing. Ed. Emine Gürsoy Naskali. October 2011.Istanbul.

*Published again by Yapi Kredi Publishing as Prestigious Publication. January 2012.

  1. Kutlay, Evren. “Cumhuriyet Öncesi ve Sonrası Müzikte Konuk Sanatçı Programları ve Bela Bartok Örneği”. (Artist in Residance Programs before and after the Declaration of Republic in Turkey: Bela Bartok Example) Konuk sanatçı Programları ve Kültürel İletişim. Nortrung Publishing. Ed. Ilgım Veryeri Alaca. April 2012. Istanbul.
  2. Kutlay, Evren.  “Stevan Mokranjac in Istanbul”. Stevan Mokranjac: Concert Tours with Belgrad Singing Society. Serbian Musicological Society. Ed. Biljana Milanovic. Sponsored by Serbian Government. November 2014. Serbia.
  3. Kutlay, Evren. “Osmanlıdan Bugüne Batı Müziği Mirasına Kısa Bakış”. (A short look at Western Art Music Heritage of Ottomans that is carried to Modern Turkey) Osmanlı ve Cumhuriyet Dönemlerinde Modernleşme. A honorary present book for Prof. Dr. Nuran Yıldırım. Istanbul University Medicine Faculty. November 2016.
  4. Kutlay, Evren. “Musical Instruments in Ottoman Seraglios and Harems of the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries“. Ottoman Empire and European Theater Vol. IV: Seraglios in Theatre, Music, and Literature. Michael Hüttler / H. E. Weidinger (eds.), Vienna: Hollitzer Verlag, Temmuz 2016. Avusturya. ISBN 978-3-99012-189-4.
  5. Kutlay, Evren. “Opera Tutkunu Bir Osmanlı Padişahı”. Belisario Operası. (An Opera Passionate Ottoman Sultan) Niyazi Ölmez. (in publishing)